The Sonic Kitchen is a very unique educational show. Children were really engaged and excited to have a turn. The presenter divided children into small groups that catered well for individual needs of children.
This educational show gave children opportunity to explore and learn while interacting with new-unique-creative technologies. Our curriculum values children’s interests and Sonic Kitchen fitted excellently.
“I can roar louder than a lion!” – Daksh
“I can talk just like a robot.”- Shashwant
“Listen to my voice!”-Xavier
“It is so much fun to roar like a lion.” – Kyra
“Let’s do it again!”- Brodie
I would highly recommend the Sonic Kitchen educational show to other childcares and schools, and I have already done so. Jeremy is an excellent presenter and I am looking forward to hear about all the new Sonic Kitchen programs.
Ivana Karagic
Director, Young Academics